Monday, May 11, 2015

Eventbrite Co-Founder & President Julia Hartz to Speak at USF’s Annual Women’s Leadership & Philanthropy Luncheon, May 15

Decide to Make Progress

"It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference." -Tom Brokaw

Make progress today

You can make a whole lot of progress today. So let yourself do it.

You can be free of your doubts, your worries, and the limiting assumptions that have held you back. Decide to make progress, and act on your decision.

You can handle the challenges and find a way to address each problem. See yourself doing it, and then do what you see.

You can discard the excuses and put an end to your hesitation. Remind yourself of the great value in what you can do, and get busy doing it.

Instead of slipping backwards, instead of just getting by, you can make progress today. Do yourself and everyone else a great big favor, and do what you know you can do.

The time, the energy and the resources are here now for you to use. Choose to use them now, and make some great new progress today.

— Ralph Marston


Friday, May 8, 2015

Bridge Work Completed at I-495 Across Christina River in Delaware

An 11-month bridge repair project has concluded with newly constructed pier replacements to ensure a sound structure. The foundations of two pairs of piers were replaced with two additional piers receiving new support columns and footings. General Contractor J.D. Eckman orchestrated the nearly year-long project, along with Delaware DOT, to replace and repair the leaning piers that were first discovered by a passerby and later determined unsafe by DelDOT engineers.

Read the full story

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

It's Grillin' Time

Mother’s Day is less than a week away, and we’re compiling every idea we have for your perfect gift.
Graphics: Kim Graziano/Tasting Table
Welcome to grilling season! Actually, scratch that. I'm using this opportunity to call shenanigans on the notion that grilling is an activity best confined to the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
...and more!